I ordered
Country Peach Passion
Wild Berry Zinger
Cranberry Apple Zinger
Black Cherry Berry
Country Peach Passion
Wild Berry Zinger
Cranberry Apple Zinger
Black Cherry Berry
For a half gallon of drink I used six tea bags and poured half a jug full of boiling water over it. Then I let it steep for 15 minutes. These are caffeine free and made from herbs and fruit.
After steeping I filled the rest of the way with cold water and added about 3 tablespoon of sweetener, I used honey. Compare that with a full cup of sugar for standard koolaid!
Then I just pop the jug into the fridge until cold and serve over ice. So far the favorite for our family is the Country Passion Peach which is amazing! If you like peaches you will love this one. It has an intense peachy flavor.
6 standard bags Celestial Seasoning Fruit Tea of your choice
4 Cups Boiling Water
Sweetener To Taste (honey, sugar, stevia)
Additional fruits such as lemon/lime slices, crushed berries
4 cups cold water
Instructions: Pour boiling water over teabags in a large pitcher, let steep 15 min. at least. Remove tea bags and add fruits, sweeteners, and cold water. Chill in refrigerator and serve over ice. Keep refrigerated.
What a wonderful idea! All our children are grown and (almost) gone, but I want to try it for my self. I have tons of tea in the cupboard and would like to use it up. Thanks so much for sharing.