Thursday, August 19, 2010

Of Gardens, Chickens, and Pansies

This is the time of year I love best.  My garden is approaching that wonderfull time of harvest and I can see whats coming along.  It has been a slightly dissapointing year for many of my crops.  My watermelons are not going to make it and my cucumbers have fizzeled.  But the pumpkin and winter squash patch has done o.k. so we will have pleanty of pies and roasted sweet squash this winter.  I planted butter nut squash, buttercup squash, acorn squash, amish sweet pie pumpkins, conneticut feild pumpkins, and a Big Max pumkins to try to enter into fair but it's not going to be ready in time.  Yummy!

Here is my pumkin and squash patch
Not really big but I hope to get several fruits from each plant

This pumkin is huge! 
It will at least reach 40 lbs and probably more

Our chickens are about to start laying.  We got them as day old chicks in April and I can't wait to get fresh eggs again. 

Pansies for some reason grow all over our property.  They are one of my very favorite flowers and the children love to pick them to give me boquets.

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