Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Canning Enough Fruit to Last a Year For Free!

Well... almost free if you don't count the sugar or the lids.  When we moved to our new town in eastern Oregon I was amazed at how many fruit trees there were in peoples yards.  I think it is one in three houses has at least one fruit tree on it if not more!  So I have been watching with interest what is being grown and how things are ripening along as the summer has progressed.  I am unashamed to admit that I have no problem asking people if I can pick their unused fruit.  I frequently do this and have never been turned down.  In fact most of the time the owners are relieved to have someone pick the unused fruit before it falls on the ground and starts to rot.  I always make a point to pick up the fallen fruit for them and throw it away and usually bring the kind people a dozen eggs as trade for the fresh fruit.

This year I have so far been amazingly blessed to be allowed to glean from a peach tree, a plum, and a pear with two other people wanting me to come pick later on this fall.  Here are some pics of my harvest and canning.  By the way I have been canning almost every day!

The two buckets of plums, I still have one bucket to get through that I will be making into jam and preserves

I canned up twenty quarts of plums for using this winter in baking

The amazing peaches!

Almost done with 30 quarts canned and three pies made

whats left to can

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