Thursday, June 14, 2012

I'm Back

To my faithful readers I am so sorry I've been quiet of late.  We were just in the middle of a move from our old town to a new one, a new house, and a new life.  And to top it all off Viking Boy age 3 got terrible food poisoning and was sick for days and Captain Submarine also got sick at the same time with a chest ailment and fever.  To say I have been busy is an understatement.

But now my friends we are unpacked and settled and everyone is healthy again so I look forward to  posting about our adventures in our new town.  Thanks for sticking with me!


  1. Good to hear you are still fighting the good fight! You and your family have been in my prayers. Hearthkeeper, you must remember to take care of yourself during all of this upheaval. I know you must take care of your husband and little ones, but you MUST remember to take some real time for yourself to rest and reflect everyday. Even if all of your tasks are fun, they still take energy and time away from you and you need to recuperate. Moving by itself is a huge drain on your personal health resources and this needs to be taken into account. Just a loving bit of permission to take 10-15 minutes to put your feet up and have a quiet cup of tea, etc. 8-)

    God Bless,
    Janet in MA

  2. Thank you so much Janet! That is really good advice. I sure need to do that every day!


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