Friday, February 10, 2012

The Chickens Are Coming! The Chickens Are Coming!

Its hard to explain why I love chickens to people who have never owned them.  It's not that they have complex personalities.  Frankly a chicken is pretty disappointing if your looking for companionship.  But there is something fascinating about watching them.  They are always busy with something and they do have an endearing way of following people around to see what they are up to.  This can be intimidating to people who haven't had allot of experience with chickens.  Most people think they are going to get pecked or something.  But really the chickens are just hoping that you are about to either throw some sort of edible item to them or uncover some sort of edible item.  They're kinda single minded like that.

We just did our order to Murray Mcmurray Hatchery.  After trying several hatcheries out it's the only place I will order my chicks from.  They are of the best quality and have a huge selection.  We should be getting them by March 5th.  Horray!

So what did we order?  Well you have to do a minimum order of 25 so everyone got to pick a variety.

Daddy's pick
Colombian Wyandotte

Mommy's Picks
Black Australorps

Cuckoo Maran (chocolate colored egg layer)

White Orphingtons

Captain Submarines Pick

Black Giants

Eldest Daughters Pick
White Cochin's

Princess In Waiting Pick
Golden Polish

Viking Boy Pick

 (easter egg layer)

Next Door Neighbor Girl Pick
Silver Spangled Hamburgs

With all these chickens we should have plenty of eggs. I cant wait to get them!


  1. Thats exciting! Can't wait to see them grow up before our eyes!

  2. Found you at Homestead Revival. We love chickens, too! We will also be ordering a variety later this week for more eggs and for our daughter to show.

  3. I love that everyone got to choose their own chickens! I am a new follower :) My husband & I are thinking of having chickens when we get our own land, so I am looking forward to following you on your chicken adventures! :)


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